Title: Ass and Fail
Author: spamlord

That's what this story is made of.

So, my Creative Writing teacher said we had to submit a story that was 300 words or less for something. And I never write anything that's 300 words, or that can be broken into 300 words without losing meaning...

DING! Two birds with one stone. 8D

Theme 9: Someone else's/borrowed

A very slight hint of Chris/Scotty. They are roommates, they have to love at some point. D:

An optional title is 'Daisy Didn't Have That Much Hair'. Which will make sense eventually. XD;;

Huge thanks to my teacher for editing it and making it not so bad. 8D


Returning to my dorm room after a particularly easy math class (for me, anyway). I opened the door, praying for less tomato juice, hair dye and paint this time. Immediately, Chris was in my face… upside down. “Hey Scotty! Look what I can do!” He flipped himself right side up, then bounced back. I peeked inside; he was strapped into a harness, attached to the ceiling with a short bungee-style cord. What did I expect?

“Hey Chris. No axe-murdering today?” I said, smiling.

“Oh yeah, but I cleaned it up before you got here,” he said casually. I wasn’t sure if he was serious, so I avoided further questions. Yawning, I went over to my bed, and put my binder down. I removed my stuffy school uniform, and slipped on my normal clothing (by my standards, anyway). “Why do you dress like that?” Chris said, getting himself out of the harness.

“I dunno. I guess it just suits me,” I shrugged. “Crap, I forgot something in class, be right back.”

“Kay!” Chris said as I ran out of the room.

I returned quickly, the math class wasn’t far away from the dorms, to find Chris dressed up in my clothing. He had stolen my extra pair of glasses, and was struggling to put them on his oddly-shaped nose. A too-small neon green long-sleeved shirt exposed his belly, and light brown shorts revealed his legs, invoking horrible Daisy Duke associations in my mind. “Chris, what are you doing?”

“Well, you said it suits you, so I thought it might suit me too! How do I look?” he said, twirling around. I buried my head in my palms, sighing. My roommate is insane. And just the slightest bit cute in my clothes. Shut up.